Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Guatemala:  el tejido

Foto:  http://horseshoejournal.blogspot.com/2011/05/antigua-guatemala.html

Paso 1:  Búsqueda en el Web

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qYQfliOO0k (1-2:10)


Historia y técnica:





Tiendas en línea:



Información sobre la artesanía moderna:


Paso 2:  Responde a las preguntas siguientes:

1.  Describe the history of the artisan product.  How and when did it come into existence?  Who created the original designs?  Where did they live?

2.  How has the creation of the product changed over time?  Are the same people making it today, or have other groups learned the art?

3.  Describe the creation process.  Who creates the product and which tools are used?  What is the product used for today?  Have its purposes changed over time?

4.  Who uses the product today?  How do they acquire the product?  For example, do they purchase it or make it themselves?

Paso 3:  ¡Crea tu propio producto artesanal virtual! 

Create your own virtual artisan product.  Below are some visual ideas and a link to Sketchpad.



Paso 4:  Presentación

Imagine you are are artisan working in Guatemala.  Based on the Webquest readings, present to the class the product you designed on the sketchpad, explaining the materials and methods you "used" to make it, and the meaning of your design.  In your presentation, talk also about where you work and with whom you work.  Talk about the meaning the creative process has in your life.  From whom did you learn your craft?  Do you sell your products as an individual, or do you belong to a group of artisans that work together?  Are your products sold locally or (inter)nationally, in person or online?  Do you interact with the clients who purchase your products?  Who are these clients? For example, tourists?  Do you feel they understand the history and creative processes that define your product? How do you share the story of your craft and its creative process?  How can your clients and others share your story where they live?

Costa Rica:  carretas

Foto:  http://www.costarica.cl/simbolos.html

Paso 1:  Búsqueda en el Web





Historia y técnica:






Información sobre la artesanía moderna:


Paso 2:  Responde a las preguntas siguientes:

1.  Describe the history of the artisan product.  How and when did it come into existence?  Who created the original designs?  Where did they live?

2.  How has the creation of the product changed over time?  Are the same people making it today, or have other groups learned the art?

3.  Describe the creation process.  Who creates the product and which tools are used?  What is the product used for today?  Have its purposes changed over time?

4.  Who uses the product today?  How do they acquire the product?  For example, do they purchase it or make it themselves?

     Paso 3:  ¡Crea tu propio producto artesanal virtual!

     Create your own virtual artisan product.  Below are some visual ideas and a link to Sketchpad.


Paso 4:  Presentación

Imagine you are are artisan working in Costa Rica.  Based on the Webquest readings, present to the class the product you designed on the sketchpad, explaining the materials and methods you "used" to make it, and the meaning of your design.  In your presentation, talk also about where you work and with whom you work.  Talk about the meaning the creative process has in your life.  From whom did you learn your craft?  Do you sell your products as an individual, or do you belong to a group of artisans that work together?  Are your products sold locally or (inter)nationally, in person or online? Do you interact with the clients who purchase your products?  Who are these clients? For example, tourists?  Do you feel they understand the history and creative processes that define your product? How do you share the story of your craft and its creative process?  How can your clients and others share your story where they live?

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